Efficient Floor Type Water Pressure Relief Valves 

Performance Under Pressure 

Located at the bottom of a tank/basin, floor-type pressure relief valves open to prevent floating when excess groundwater is present, which can cause cracking and other serious issues. These valves are an essential component for maintaining balance between internal and external tank pressures, ensuring system integrity and operational efficiency. 

Long Live the Mud Valve!
So reliable it's legendary.

Unique Features

1. Machined Seat

Our strong, flat surface lid with resilient to bronze seating and resilient to stainless seating outperforms typical rubber to rubber seals, which are very wide and difficult to seal properly.

2. Removable Grate

Designed for easy maintenance, the grate can be accessed simply by removing the lid and reaching in. No tools are required.

3. Extendable with PVC

With the ability to extend to match exact wall thickness, our valve eliminates the need for extra field work.

4. Rubber Gasket Bonded to Lid

Our gasket won't collapse under water pressure because it is bonded to the lid.

5. Integral Cast Water Stop

Because our water stop is integrated into the cast valve, we can help prevent water from leaking around the valve.

Floor Pressure Relief Valve


Ductile Iron

  • Epoxy coating
  • Machined bronze seat

316 Stainless Steel

  • Machined stainless steel seat

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Size Range: Even sizes 4" and 6"
hydrostatic pressure RV

Features & Benefits

  • Automatic Operation: Opens due to hydrostatic pressure differences, allowing water flow to equalize pressure. 
  • Low Maintenance: Requires no lubrication and minimal maintenance, ideal for long-term use. 
  • Installation Guidelines: Designed for vertical mounting with specific instructions to prevent seat damage during installation. 
  • Safety Features: Includes a secure cover and grate system to ensure safety and functionality. 
  • Parts Availability: Easy access to replacement parts and customer support for queries or requirements. 

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